Direksi TWC Trial Cottage Dagi Abhinaya
Borobudur, 5 November 2018.
President Director of PT Taman Wisata Borobudur Temple, Prambanan & Ratu Boko (TWC), Edy Setijono with Director of Finance, HR & Investment, Palwoto conducted a trial of one of Dagi Abhinaya’s business products, namely by staying in cottage rooms and enjoying all the facilities provided. The next morning, the two Directors enjoyed breakfast at the main venue set in the background of the Borobudur Temple. Accompanying, Corporate Secretary (Achmad Muchlis), GM Borobudur (I Gusti Putu Ngurah Sedana), GM Manohara (Jamaludin Mawardi), Putro Lelono and Ka Probis Dagi (Inscription Ruri Agastya). On this occasion, the Board of Directors gave several directives related to the business development of Dagi Abhinaya.